Goldie, Max & Milk Designer Run Thru!

Yesterday was the Goldie, Max & Milk Designer Run Thru. For those you non-theater-wise folks, a designer run is when all the designers (lighting, sounds, set, costume, props, and others) watch a full run of the show. This happens so that the designers get a chance to see all the staging and still have time to make any adjustments they need to. Lighting designers are usually the ones taking the most notes because they tend to plan out many of the light cues. Most the time this is the first time the designers actually get to see the show up on its feet. they use the script and lots of communication between the other designers and the director and with other Florida Stage employees to create their designs for the show long before they arrive on the scene.

What was I doing there? I was there to check in to see how rehearsal have been going. Normally, I like to be in rehearsals a little more, but between Thanksgiving and going to Denver for the NNPN Showcase, I have been more absent then not. This sometimes is a good thing though because I come into the space with fresh eyes and may be able see something the director or playwright may have missed because they have been there for every detail of the process.

I think the run went really well! I very excited to see the opening of Goldie, Max & Milk on Dec. 17th! I hope to see you all there.

Until next time…

~Alison Maloof, Artistic Apprentice