Happy Earth Day!

Today, April 22nd, is Earth Day.

Every year since 1970 the U.S. has be celebrating Earth Day. This day is thought to represent the beginning of the modern eviromental movement, but how did Earth Day begin?

The 1960s and 1970s are thought of as a time of hippies, anti-war protests and a save-the-world mentality. However, this time was not so environmentally great. People were guzzling up leaded gas in V8 engines, air pollution was just part of life, industries burped out smoke and sludge, and most of America remained unaware of what was happening to our world. In 1962, Rachael Carson's book Silent Spring was published, which after selling 500,000 copies made way for the modern environmental movement. People were ready for change, but who was going make it happen?

After a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, CA, a senator from Wisconsin, Gaylord Nelson,  took a stand. He capitalized on the nationwide protests against the war by annoucing his idea for a "national tech-in on the enviroment." The result was the first Earth Day, where millions of Americans had rallies coast to coast on the enrivorment. (To find out more about Earth Day History click here: History)

So, what does this have to do with theater and Florida Stage?

In many way theater lends itself to being enviromentally friendly. Many theaters reuse costumes, set pieces, production equipment and more. Here is a list of somethings Florida Stage does to help our planet:

  • Reduse electricity by using natural light in parts of our office
  • Recycle all paper waste, bottles, and cans
  • Buy recycled paper goods
  • Reduse the use of paper by paying bills online, communciating to our audience members, artists, and co-workers through the internet, printing everything double-sided and electronic ticketing
  • Purchuse used clothes for costumes
  • Reuse costumes, props and set peices
  • Use online marketing promotions (reduces paper waste)
  • Keep lights off when not in the room
  • Many of our staf brings in reusable tableware
  • Send our audition material electronically to actors
  • Educational materials can be downloaded from our website instead of being mailed to teachers and students
  • Our move to the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts allows us to share facilities with more people
  • Catering from local restaurants for events

To find out what you can do to help our planet click here: Earth Day. If you scroll down the page you will reach four tabs: "Earth Day TV," "Photos'" "Footprint'" and "Earth Day Poster". If you click on "Footprint" you can go through a series a questions to find out what your carbon footprint is on the our planet.

Good Luck Being Green!

~Alison Maloof, Artistic Apprentice