The Storytelling Ability of a Boy opens this week!

STORYTELLING_final_patronmail Posted By Amie Conner, Marketing Intern

Carter W. Lewis' The Storytelling Ability of a Boy begins previews tomorrow and opens this Friday! It’s a bold new play
about two dangerously smart teenagers and the teacher struggling to help them. It
is a story that speaks to some universal truths. Who among us, no matter how smart or talented, has not at some point felt like they didn’t fit in? If we are lucky, we find those people who keep us from falling off the edge.

Click here for more information or here to purchase tickets

The cast features three young actors who are enjoying spending the winter in Florida (they are from NYC and Atlanta).  To get an inside look into the world of these actors, check out the video blog they have created: Actor's Vlog!

See what playwright, Cater W. Lewis, has to say about the show below: