Goldie Opening Night!

Last night was the opening of Goldie, Max & Milk and it could not have gone better! They got a standing O. I am so proud of everyone who worked on the show. I recommend everyone go see this play; it's great for the holiday season. I may be biased, but it's a lot of fun!

At opening I was sitting house left and that might be my favorite place to sit. I really felt like a part of the show, a part of Max and Goldie's world. Honestly, if you are looking for an intimate experience I would say sit in those side sections!

I truly enjoyed working on this show, but now I'm off to Massachusetts for the holiday. Wish me luck with the snow and cold temperatures–I hear it's only 10 degrees right now.

Until next time…

~ Alison Maloof, Artistic Apprentice

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