Another Day, Another Dog

Subject Number 2: Logan

Hypothesis:The dogs are conspiring to stop all office work at Florida Stage. The reason why has yet to be determined.

Background info: (First please see previous post about Lola, titled Morale up with Possible Decline in Productivity, if you haven't already read it.)  Now on to Logan. Logan is in training to be a service dog. He has had his basic training and is preparing to go into Advanced Training. James Danford, one of Florida Stage's Stage Managers, is caring for the dog while his owner is away for a month. Logan does not seem to mind this. James' only quibble is that Logan is not allowed to sleep in his bed, so Logan gets the floor unfortunately.

Yesterday, I was at the Design run for Goldie, Mix & Milk and Logan was present. However, this is where it gets juicy: Logan was a perfect gentleman. He sat quietly under James' table for the entire show, except once when he thought he could be helpful during a set change–James quickly corrected him. Now this may not sound suspicious, but I believe that his intentions were to slip under the radar so James would think it would be just fine and dandy to bring him to the office.

Visit to the Office–Results: James arrives at the office in the morning…around 10am with Logan. One person saw him and then all of a sudden every female in the office–plus Andrew–is on the ground playing with him. Logan was so happy! He was getting so much attention! For the next hour or so that Logan was around, work somewhat stopped. James tried to keep him laying down under his desk, but poor Logan was getting so many commands from all over–people calling him, petting him, letting him lick their faces, and (my favorite) just very gently taking your entire hand into his mouth and covering it in slobber.

Here is gorgeous Logan:



Conclusions: Logan and Lola, along with any other dogs we have yet to determine, have conspired to stop work at Florida Stage. I have some theories as to why, but I am unable to share them just in case the dogs have a text-to-bark interpreter. Beware of your dogs! Keep a close eye on them. Who knows what those furry, loving, loyal mammals are up to.

Until next time…

~Alison Maloof, Artistic Apprentice



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