An Awesome Young Voices 09-10 Season!

Posted by Heidi Harris, Director of Education

You know when you take lots of time to plan for something, and it actually works out the way you’d hoped? You spend time working out the variables, rearranging dates/times, planning activities….and then you assemble the best team you can and trust that everything will work out just right.

Well, you hope.

My hopes were certainly realized with this season’s Young Voices series. Each event, from the Monologue Festival to Mentor Lab, proved to be rewarding for both the education staff and the students who made the events possible. Student participants from first grade to the university level brought another facet to Florida Stage’s education programming by sharing their artistry with us.

Words cannot express how honored I feel to have been a part of this season’s education events. I felt a sense of renewal (as an educator and artist) each time a student actor/writer discovered that their voice mattered and that others were not only willing to hear it, but happy to help them shout it from the rooftops!

It was a very good year, indeed.


As I plan for our education season at the Kravis, my hopes continue to be that our Young Voices events reach even  more of Palm Beach County’s amazing students – giving them the opportunity to express themselves as artists as they start their life’s journey.

On a side note… while writing this blog, I decided to make myself a cup of tea. One of my favorite brands has a tiny gem of wisdom printed on each tea bag tag. I love those little phrases – especially when they seem so serendipitous.


Today, my tea bag tag read “Whatever character you give your children shall be their future.”

I think I’ve found my new office-wall quote…