Florida Stage in Manalapan

Jon Wemettesmall Posted by Jonathan Wemette, Artistic Associate

If you’ve seen When the Sun Shone Brighter, you might have noticed a poster in the lobby titled “Florida Stage in Manalapan.” Its content is simple – just a list of all the plays we’ve produced in Manalapan since we moved here in 1991 – but we think the message is clear: we’ve produced a lot of new plays here.

Something I had fun doing while putting this together is locating where I fit in Florida Stage’s Manalapan timeline. My first show here was Opus in 2006, and I’ve been a part of every play since, putting me in roughly the bottom fifth of the poster. What about you? How long have you been part of Florida Stage’s time in Manalapan? Which of these titles do you remember best (and worst)? Post a comment! (And click the image for a closer look.)


Florida Stage in Manalapan

One Comment on “Florida Stage in Manalapan”

  1. CLJ says:

    Let me see… I was here for every show from A SMALLER PLACE until tech for RIPE CONDITIONS, when I ruptured my achilles tendon jumping off the stage. I came back for SHOE MAN and KEELY AND DU, and then one last time for THE KILLING OF MICHAEL MALLOY.
    Favorite memories: talking with set designer Steve Placido about CATSPAW, and carrying my workbench onto the stage to become the bomb-maker’s laboratory. Victor Becker digging through my shelves of props parts and remarking how amazing that no matter how obscure the part needed, it was always in one of the bins, boxes or coffee cans. Running the largest stage crew ever for NO WAY TO TREAT A LADY. Sean Fagan staring out at me from under the MALLOY set right after the tornado had passed, shocked that I was “just…STANDING….there” through the event.
    But most of all, I remember all the amazing people I got to work with; actors and playwrights and designers and directors and all the other artists who helped make magic in the Manalapan space.